Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Agile Eagle Has Landed

Well, there's been a reason that I haven't been blogging much the past few days. What is this reason, you ask? I could show you, but it will be much better to show my blog followers and (Hopefully) fans.

That's right! 98 agility is finally mine, and I am just one step away from one of the most elusive capes in Runescape, the 99 Agility Skillcape!! I have to say that despite the 1.2 million exp to 99, I am ecstatic right now!! As you may have seen on Merch Gwyar's Blog, Canting Away is holding a Winter Festival on the 19th, which is when I will likely get 99. There will be a party at Teacuptime's house afterwards.

Also, I just had to extend the 2nd picture, as it caught Pie in mid-flight, LOL!

Also, for the past few days, I have been killing green dragons, as a source of some money, which I am hoping that the price of bones goes up, As I will make some decent money that way.

Over the past few days, mainly yesterday I got a bug to get a few levels up, which included 3 con levels, and I now have a pretty Teak 'scope along with a beginning throne room. :-D here are the pictures for the Construction.

Boy was there a lot of stuff I could do with 63!

As I go about my adventure on Runescape, I've begun to see some very creative and..interesting (-.^) names. Here's 3 examples of what I've found.

Well, this is about all I have for now, and unless I get some more levels soon, will be all I have for a while. Happy 'Scaping!

~One super Happy (And very Agile) Bag

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